Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

A bit of news

March 18, 2008   |   by Jared

Hey everyone.  Yesterday morning I woke up with a wicked neckache and a ton of pain shooting down my left arm.  The pain increased throughout the day until I caved at about 10:30pm and Rachel took me to the ER.  Anyway, the long and the short of it is, I'm in the hospital right now and am scheduled for surgery tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12noon.  The  surgery is to correct a severely ruptured disc in my neck.  The procedure  they're going to do is called a "cervical C6/7 transcorporal discectomy."  Sounds cool, eh?

 I'm feeling a lot better today, thanks to not moving at all for about 24 hours and a decent amount of narcotics.  I'd appreciate any prayers you'd throw my way.  My nuerosurgeon is named Dr. David Lowry, and he seems like a good guy. Rachel and I are doing fine, not too worried or anything.  Thanks!

Posted in: misc


Jared Henderson2008-03-26

Mimi, if your husband wants to talk, shoot me an email: jared at netrivet dot com. i'd be happy to.


We are all praying for you!


oh no! take care, jared.


You are most certainly in our prayers.

Betsy King2008-03-18

Oh no! That's awful! John was actually in the midst of emailing you tonight. Goodness gracious take care we'll be sending lots of healing love your way. BTW, how in the world does this happen? We have a thing called "computer neck" in our house, but this sounds about a million times more severe.


We are praying for you here as are my Bible study friends. Chloe's wondering why all her uncles are ending up in the hospital! But she's a good pray-er :)


So sorry to hear this guys. Must have been from watching that HUGE St. Patty's Day Parade on Saturday huh? We'll be thinking of you and praying. Please let us know if you need anything.

mimi ditommaso2008-03-19

Hi Jared, I signed up last night for this "blog alert" because my husband and I are grappling with the decision to have surgery...or not. Unlike you he has NO symptoms....the severe disc herniation was found coincidentaly by an MRI exam for something else. Have seen 3 docs so far and getting a little bit of a different take from each one of them. Wishing you all the best, you and your family will be in our prayers. If after your surgery you'd like to email us, please do so. It really would help "talking" to someone who has had the same surgery and came through it fine. My husbands herniation is between C4-C5. Good Luck! Mimi


Jared & Rachel, I am praying that the surgery went well, and that you are well on your way to recovery!


Katherine and I will be praying for a speedy recovery!


Oh! Its sad news. I will pray for your good health.