Cooking Tip #1: Always double check which burner you turn on, especially when cooling a cake on top of your stove.
July 17, 2009 | by Rachel
Since I've been a little behind on getting out the photography tips I thought that I'd throw in a little cooking tip occasionally. Here's one that I learned yesterday. Cakes don't cool very well on the top of your stove if you turn on the burner. Yesterday Win and I were making a cake. It was perfect. As it was sweetly cooling on the top of my stove I turned on the burner to start cooking beans for dinner. A minute later I started smelling burning sugar and looked to find that I'd turned on the wrong burner. I was frying the layer cake! I turned it off, got my camera, turned it back on and snapped a picture. I was able to salvage it by cutting off the bottom, but the cake is a little short. 
funny. glad you were able to salvage some of it. :)
Aw man! good save ; )
This is totally something I'd do! Nice capture :)
Alas, it happens - the photos of it, rarely.....
this is my first time here. i found you through the NetRivet site. i love it here! you are an awesome photographer. just wanted to say hello... have a great week!