Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

I heard something from the kitchen

February 02, 2008   |   by Rachel

Yesterday  Win was sitting in his highchair eating lunch while I was nursing Harriet.  Then I heard snoring.  He had fallen asleep in the highchair!  I know that this is normal for other kids, but Win doesn't have the most affectionate relationship with going to sleep.  This is only the 2nd time this has ever happened. I carefully washed his face and both hands before he woke up.  I gently and peacefully laid him in his crib.  He then woke up and promptly played in his crib for his entire naptime.  He never went back to sleep.  A toddlers that takes one short powernap isn't my idea of a good time. 080131_sleepingbear-0008-edit.jpg

Posted in: win



Wonder how long he would have slept in the chair and how his poor neck would have felt when he woke up????

Grandma Dean2008-02-02

So sweet!


apparently that was enough?!