Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

Introducing Gertrude

July 12, 2023   |   by Jared

Hi there! I (Jared) recently released a new product. It's called Gertrude, and it's a parental controls mac app that allows you to filter the internet and monitor your kids online activity. If you're serious about keeping your kids protected from all of the awful content on the internet, you might want to take a look at it. I use it with all 4 of my kids and am super happy with it. I built it because I tried using the best existing solution I could find, but it was incredibly hard to use, and failed intermittently.

One other useful link: I spent a ton of time documenting exactly how I lock down my kids' iPhones to make them extremely secure. If your child has an iPhone or iPad, or you're thinking about getting them one, it's definitely worth a read—how to lock down your kids iphone.

Posted in: miscvideo