Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

Mrs. Kool-to-be

April 15, 2008   |   by Rachel

Simone (Shartow) Tennant and I were 18 and freshmen at Hope College when we broke into Jason Koedyker and Benjamin Tennant's dorm room.  I'd briefly met Benjamin once and hadn't yet met his roommate Jason.  Simone had a little thing for Ben, but wasn't telling.  We, with 18-year-old bravado that I haven't totally gotten rid of, felt that we were welcome to steal their stuff and vandalize their room.  Simone and I spent about 20 minutes labeling every object in the room with Jason's little yellow post-its until they were all gone.  Wall, door, lamp, book, The Ides of March, poster, desk, floor, you name it and it had a little post-it on it. Fast forward 11 years.  Simone and Benjamin have 3 boys.  Jason, whom we all call "Kool" has been my friend for 11 years.  He is getting married on June 7th!! and I am photographing their wedding.  He and Lisa had their first date in September 2006.  By October everyone who knew them was pretty certain that this was it.  She is fabulous, kind, fun, beautiful and PERFECT for our friend Jason.  I just love Lisa and can't wait for her to move to Holland next month. On Saturday I shot some pictures at her bridal shower.


 Jason's mother organized some fun games.


 Isn't Lisa beautiful!


Jason gave her the most beautiful engagement ring.


We all had a great time.


Posted in: photography



The shower with Jason's family & friends was absolutely lovely! I was happy that Rachel was there as a guest...and then I saw the camera bag. As always, your pictures are outstanding. You do a remarkable job capturing feelings in your pictures. I'm looking forward to living so close to each other. Maybe we can go on mini photo shoots together! THANKS AGAIN!


Looks like fun. She will be a beautiful bride!!