My Birthday Twins
September 24, 2011 | by Rachel
Today was Harriet's 4th Birthday AND Dale's 1st Birthday. Our girls are birthday twins. For the past several days I've been trying to get a good picture of them together, to no avail. Winfield took this picture at 8:15 this morning on our way to Party City to pick out balloons.
A couple of years ago we started a tradition that the kids get to pick out a huge mylar balloon from Party City on their birthday. It's a really fun tradition. Harriet chose a Darth Vader balloon and the kids chose a Strawberry Shortcake for Dale. Unfortunately Darth Vader escaped into space about 20 minutes after his arrival at our house. It was a very sad moment.
The kids helped decorate cupcakes.
I have no idea why people think that cake a a reasonable medium for sculpture. We're considering submitting these for Artprize.
Have we ever mentioned how awesome our new neighbors are! So randomly they set up a rope and kid size harness and were swinging kids from the tree. So awesome. At one point in the middle of this swinging a stranger wandered in the back yard and asked if this was a day-care. Which is really funny in itself since at the time we had 11 kids under 7 playing in our 2 back yards. I'm not so sure that the rope-harness-swing would be quite up to day care code though??
Lighting the birthday candles. Dale was a bit confused but quite pleased at the same time.
Dale's first taste of both dessert ad chocolate. Not a bad introduction.
Princess Leia in cupcake form (constructed by Harriet, Win and Mom)
This picture just makes me laugh.
Dale got a shape sorter.
Harriet really liked her new shirt. She's sleeping in it right now.
Thank you Samuel L Jackson for having a purple light saber. She's been wanting one for quite a while.
It was a really fun evening!
oh my word. sooo big! (loove dales top! :) ) such beautiful girlees!!
nice work on those cupcakes!