Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

New Skills-Always

August 16, 2007   |   by Rachel

I'm now realizing what I think every parent already knows. Kids NEVER stop learning. It seems like Win just learned to walk. Now he can't stop climbing. He tries to climb everything, stable or not. It's not my favorite trick of his. I much preferred it when he learned to say, "ma ma" and "da dee." He can't crack his head open doing that. Yesterday he discovered our little aluminum ladder. It is light and easy for him to carry around. He moves it around the house and climbs up on it. I figure that it is a relatively safe way for him to get out his climbing needs. Here he in in out one and only closet (the don't build houses like they used to, and it's a good thing!)

Posted in: win

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I bet he will be up in our backyard 'fort' before we know it, slidding down the pole with the rest of the big kids.