Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

Nice Shorts!

May 12, 2007   |   by Rachel

Sorry for the lull in posts lately. We've had a busy week. Jared and I traveled to Chicago for a photography conference on Tuesday and Wednesday. My parents, Grandpa and Grandma Dean, came to Holland and stayed with him for those 2 days. You'd think that after a photography conference I would remember to take pictures of him with his grandparents but my enthusiasm was slowed by the severe cold, fever and cough that hit me on Sunday night. Other than an embarrassing case of the sniffles the conference was amazing.Win dropped his screwdriver when he was helping Jared and Josh work on their mopeds yesterday.

Posted in: win



Sorry to hear you are sick, Rachel! Hope you get to feeling well soon!


Those two are a fashion pair!!!


I'm glad he missed his toes!

So nice Jared has such good help.