Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

The Other Side of the Camera

April 07, 2008   |   by Rachel

On Saturday evening we were hanging out in the driveway taking some pictures.  Jared grabbed this one of Win and me.  Although the whites are a little blown out it was too cute not to post.  Even though Jared was taking the picture, I had told him what the settings should me.  Whoops!



](/00590-the-other-side-of-the-camera-00.jpg "080405_april-0115-edit.jpg")

Posted in: win



You are right, too good not to post.


great shot, jared! great picture of mom and son, looking like they are having such a fun time together!

Jared Henderson2008-04-08

no, no, no. don't listen to her. it was all my fault. i forgot to check the specs on the rotary girder.

Betsy King2008-04-07

Love it! What lens are you using? I really need to update!!!