Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

Tulip Time

May 06, 2006   |   by Jared

Here's a shot of Winfield (from my phone, we loaned our biggy to a friend to shoot a wedding) from tonight before we rolled him downtown to experience a little bit of Tulip Time. Win really likes Tulip Time: lots of people, bright colors, music, dancing women, junk food, and female babies in strollers. We like Tulip Time too. Weather has been spectacular and the tulips are gorgeous this year. There are lots of fun things to do around town and everyone is in a good mood. We're looking forward to next Tulip Time when we can take the little chump to Kinderplaatz, which is like heaven on earth if you're a child under 9. They have a gazillion activities, games, skits, large inflatable jumping-aids, face-painting, exploring real fire trucks, etc, etc. We literally saw kids squealing with glee every few feet when we were down there this afternoon.

Posted in: win



Reminds me of the fun time we had visiting you guys last year at tulip time. I agree with all you obsrvations about Holland in the spring.



hey win, hows come you don't link to aunt johanna and uncle matt. we link to yooooouuu!


(further heckling)

do you have a new job? can you breakdance? do you have a green parrot? i don't think so. visit our blog too win.


i read your blog alot! you dastardly heckler! we'll get a link up soon. win likes his aunt and uncle.