Tulip Time!
May 13, 2011 | by Rachel
We are big fans of our town's tulip festival. Jared's parent's came to town to join us for the first day.Harriet is showing off our new civil war army guy set. This set comes complete with saguaro cactus and a battlefield in Guangdong province.
Our family has been a bit of Civil War unit. I don't know if I have the heart to tell Winfield that Union Army officers were not issued pistols. He really likes shooting "Rebels" with this pistol sized stick.
The evening before Kinderplaats we walked downtown to see the dancers dance around the park. They dance every night at 7:00. Our neighbors came with us.
This is the Lindes. By the way, the other day Winfield asked me what Josh's last name was. When I told him that it was Linde he was very confused. He told me, "No, they Josh is a Linde. What is his last name?" I honestly think that the kids think that "Linde" is some sort of higher life form. "Linde" is their character, their essence. He just wanted to know their last name. That's what happens when a really fun family with 4 kids moves in next door. They assume god-like status in Winfield's mind.
The bear!