Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

We live in an old home...

July 04, 2011   |   by Rachel

...a very old home. The paperwork when we bought the house said 1896.  The walls in Harriet's room are old plaster that is very soft.  If you've lived in an old house with soft plaster walls you know what I'm talking about.  They are like an enormous vertical cookie, crumbly and fragile.  Putting a nail into them isn't just a nail hole but the possibility of a huge gash of crumbled plaster exploding into the room. The other day I heard Harriet crying in fear during "nap" time.  When I went into her room I found her sitting in bed with plaster sprayed all over her sheets.  Her 3 1/2 year old fingers had been fiddling with her wall during naptime and a 2 inch square of plaster had popped off the wall, crumbled plaster onto her, and frightened her. The next night Jared was putting her to bed when she said to him.  "Dad, do you mind if I don't play with my wall tonight, cuz it's broken?"  We loved her choice of the the phrase "do you mind"

Posted in: harriet

1 Comment


three great Harriet posts in a row! She is so cute. I wish I was there to observe her in person!