Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

We've been teaching Win some verses from the Bible lately.

March 24, 2009   |   by Rachel

He's really good at remembering them.

Posted in: videowin


Allison Whitaker2009-04-09

just came across this...that is so beautiful to hear a child repeat that verse.


no way!!!! can't wait to see y'all :) that is awesome, awesome, awesome.

Christen Bordenkircher2009-03-26

This is just what I needed to hear tonight. Let Winn know 'thanks' for sharing God's word!! =) Hope you guys are doing well...!

Steve Post2009-03-27

Wow, Win - that's really good! You've got those DOWN! Next time, in the original Hebrew. ;) Rachel, was that shot with the 5D?

Rachel Henderson2009-03-28

Steve, it was! Isn't is incredible. I'll show you tonight.


i dont know if i am more excited about win or the 5d. love them both!


i can't seem to play it?


yeah,me either. i have to accept your friend request frist because its a private video...

Rachel Henderson2009-03-24

I THINK that it should work now. Try it.

michelle sidles2009-03-24

Delicious! By the way, which version is he quoting? I don't quite recognize that particular phrasing! ;) Good job Win!


aw, that was so good! what a great little memorizer.

Mrs Kool2009-03-24

This is so precious!!!!! My parents did this with my sister & I, and we have cassette tapes of us. Such a great memory!


That is such a treat to see and hear!! Thank you!! Awesome job Win!