Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

While emailing with a groom...

May 04, 2008   |   by Rachel

...whose wedding I am photographing this summer, I was explaining to him that photographers are what artist/geeks do with their interests.  Photography is fabulously geeky, and nothing brings out the geek in a photographer more than gear.  While others are dreaming of new shoes (ok, the artist in me loves new shoes too) photographers dream small, expensive, black item whose value is determined my a string of numbers that only other photographers understand. So anyway, yesterday I got a couple of new toys.  They are little, but they bring out the geek in me.  I got a 800 speed firewire CF card reader and 2 4GB 300x CF cards.  Yeah...exciting...I know!  Basically, now I can get the images from my camera to my computer in a jiffy, which makes the reception slideshows much quicker to process.  :-)[


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](/00686-while-emailing-with-a-groom-01.jpg "080501_080501-0328-edit.jpg")

Posted in: photography


Grandma Dean2008-05-04

That's pretty exciting stuff -- to a photog geek. :-) You're all set up for a great wedding photography season. Glad we get to be there to see you in action.

Betsy King2008-05-04

Darn you!!!! ;-)