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New Michigan Tourism Radio Ads

June 27, 2008   |   by Jared

So, has anyone else heard these new, high-budget radio ads for Michigan tourism that have started airing recently? They play incessantly at our gym, and I've been laughing to myself all day about this one: Click here to listen I don't even know where to start, honestly. Why do I get the feeling at the beginning of this ad that this is a a SNL Jack Handy piece? "...[swelling piano and strings]...each one of which will break your heart, as you step up to the first tee...at dawn..." Don't deny it, Dad, you've got a little tear running down your cheek right now, don't you? So I came home tonight and was telling Rachel about these pieces of sheer unintentional (?) comedic genius, so naturally we googled them and then came across another in the series and we both about fell off the floor when we heard this one: Radio Ad for Flint Michigan (not a typo) tourism So, who wants to join us over the long July 4th weekend for a trip to the Flint Farmer's Market and Solarium? I know we'll be there. Again, speechless. I can't wait to see what this marketing firm could come up with as an ad campaign for Gary, Indiana. "...[swelling piano and strings]...with more than 150 thriving strip clubs and the historic ruins of long-departed industry..." Oh, and the voice you hear? None other than Michigan's favorite son, Tim Allen.

Posted in: misc



that is so funny. i keep seeing billboards around ohio and even on our drive to arkansas that say "your trip begins with michigan.org" and i had no idea what it's talking about.


I thought that was Time Allen's voice! Very funny!


Those ARE cheesy--I had similar thoughts the first time I heard. I think they're trying to evoke "A River Runs Through It" (sacrilege) I knew I recognized that voice! Odd, though, since he's a comedian.

Benjamin Tennant2008-07-02

These are pure genious! I totally echo the Jack Handy comment. Or, wait! It also reminds me of one of Tim Allen's lines on his Home Improvement show advertising the need for some overpowered chain saw to be used installing cabinets.