Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

200 Pieces!!!!

March 20, 2010   |   by Rachel

Win finished his 200 piece puzzle!  He's so cute when he works on puzzles, trying each piece in different spots.  Sometimes he can just look over the pile and grab exactly the right piece, even difficult ones.  Usually he works a puzzle in one sitting, but this one took a couple of days.  Unfortunately he spilled water on it and the pieced started to flake like baklava.  I tried superglueing them, but to no avail.  The train puzzle was worked for its first and last time.

Posted in: win



That's great! I can't wait for Miles to be able to do puzzles like that. I loved working on puzzles with my family as a kid. You two are great parents! ;-)


that is so cute! why am I not there to watch them grow up?


That is an amazing accomplishment! Way to go Win!


Wow - great job. Reminds me to get some puzzles out and have the boys do them (and me too!). Any special tips for finding them on ebay? I've done ebay quite a bit, but not specifically for something like older puzzles. What word phrases do you use to search with (as long as we won't be bidding against each other)? :)