Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

Biker Boy

May 02, 2008   |   by Rachel

Win's has been learning to ride his tricycle that he got for Christmas from Baa and Grandma.   He hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet, but he really likes trying.


Posted in: win



I love the pictures Rachel! I'm a faithful visitor to your site...nearly daily, and I'm continuously impressed with your shots. They're fantastic! Win and Hattie are getting so big, I can't believe it. Thank you for the amazing baby gifts for Melodie! First of all, they're all so thoughtful, and second they're all awesome! I love the Bible. I had the same one when I was younger (although the cover was a bit different) but I love it. It's always been my favorite children's Bible, and I'm so excited that we get to share it with our children now. What a fantastic gift! Lodie, has one of the burp clothes in her fists right now, and won't let it go. She seems to think that it's her most prized "toy", and is protecting it from my clutches. It's pretty cute. Thanks again for the gifts, but also for sharing in the joy of welcoming our daughter into our family. You are a blessing.

Grandma Dean2008-05-03

What an awesome fun day! and nice weather too!

Grandma Dean2008-05-02

Good Job Win! You'll get the hang of it soon!


love the "tongue of concentration"!