Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

Jared Gave Win a Birthday Present

March 01, 2007   |   by Rachel

Jared's been fighting a cold for over a week now. Two days ago Win started having symptoms too. I'd just like to say, I wiped his nose about three minutes before I took this picture.

Posted in: win



That is the saddest picture. I remember when his daddy used to look like that.


If Jared's been fighting it for over a week now then I guess it was his birthday present too!

It is a really sad picture :(

grma dean2007-03-01

Poor Win he looks miserable! Hope you all feel better soon!!!!


is that some fuzz i see on his head???


feel better soon, win!


I HAVE to jump in and give an opinion on this. Until Janna was about 2 I thought that stuff that went from nose to mouth was a permanant part of her persona. She was cheerful throughout it all. It's heredity Win...be brave.


Poor Win. Such a sad face and so determined not to let any of that yucky get in his mouth. Happy Birthday and get better real soon.