About 2 months before Win's birthday...
May 21, 2010 | by Rachel
...this company sent us a catalog. They knew what they were doing. Win loved to pour over each page. He and Harriet loved to discuss which theme was their favorite. He finally settled on one that was his ultimate favorite and he would always go back to it. He passed over Cars, Mario, bugs, monster trucks, Thomas the Train, and Spiderman to finally land on a party that was themed on a kitten wearing a crown. It gave me such giggles that I went ahead and ordered the plates. We enjoyed his birthday cow cake on those plates. There were a couple left and I'd never gotten a picture of Win with his 4-year-old birthday plates. Here they are. Harriet wanted a picture with the Kitty plates too. Here's her first attempt.
So I told her to tip it up...hmmm?
"Nope, hold it straight up and down, Harriet."
"Show me a little of your face."
Win's been reading and writing a lot lately. I had some popsicle sticks and 3x5 inch cards, so the kids have been making signs galore. I thought that this one was pretty cute. It says, "Haryet, mom, bab, Babee" (Harriet, Mom, Dad, Baby)
awww, too cute. That is a really cute kitty. I can see why he picked it. And the series of pics of Hattie is adorable.
OMG that plate is hilarious! Great choice Win!
CUTEST THING EVER!!!! Can't wait to see you guys in a few short days!!!!! How is it possible that Win is writing??