Last week
July 20, 2011 | by Rachel
We spent some time at The Cabin. Sadly this is Dale's first visit to The Cabin and she's 10 months old! That is just too long between visits. I managed to pack my camera but forgot to bring a single memory card! oops. So all of the pictures are taken on Jared's old cell phone. This picture is so perfect in many ways. Everything about it is just so "The Cabin" The swing, the book the lightsaber hung neatly next to him and the water in the background. I remember being a kid reading that exact book while at The Cabin.Jared and Harriet got some Spirographing done. This is very important stuff.
Dale ate a lot of peas, the kids spent a lot of time swinging int he hammock and we had a fire in the firepit the whole time.
Win took some pictures too. He was really cute. These are the things that he decided where photo-worthy.
Sisters :-)
And for kicks, here are 2 pictures of me, Rachel, chillin at the cabin in the summer of 1980. Notice the toy at my feet in the playpen and the toy at Dale's feet on the towel. Dang I wish I had that play pen! It's so cute. Could Graco, or Evenflo, or Cosco, or BabyTrends, or anyone PLEASE make cute baby stuff like they had in 1980.
you mean NAKED they got some spirographing done
Rachel, life in pictures! Beautiful! Peaceful beautiful, a step towards what every family should be. God has certainly blessed you with peace, wisdom beyond belief. you have blessed God with practicing his word and putting it into your lives every second of every day!
A vacation back in time, very sweet!
It's such great fun to see you life in pictures. It's hard to believe that you were a babe in 1980. That seems like only yesterday! (Actually you still are a babe, only a different kind. Just ask Jared.) GG