Rachel Henderson Photography Blog [Archived]

Nothing on the floor is safe anymore

July 30, 2011   |   by Rachel

Dale now goes wherever she wants to. Her crawling around is really cute. She kinda crawls like Winfield did.

And for those of you who only have 8 seconds to watch a baby crawl.

Posted in: dalevideo



she moves like a walrus!

Rachel Henderson2011-07-30

A TOOTHLESS walrus! We're still waiting for her first tooth and she's 10 months.


I think she crawls exactly like Win did! So cute :) (At first I thought she was wearing a necklace in this video...then I realized it was just drool :) he he

Lisa Koedyker2011-07-30

SO cute! I love babies on the move. Ory got his first tooth when he was 10 months...and his 8th just before 1 year! :o)

Grandma Jan2011-07-31

So much like Win, amazing!